Areeba Jahangir
3 min readJun 19, 2024


Artificial Intelligence: Crop Monitoring Future

Modern methods of crop monitoring through the use of artificial intelligence are revolutionizing farming methods. Such accomplishments can now be attributed to AI and machine learning algorithms in advanced analysis of farm data to facilitate better crop inputs and yields.

Hazardous factors detection in the course of their emergence with the help of remote sensing.

Through fields, AI with satellite imagery and aerial drones can survey and recognize problems periodically. Digital image analysis involves the use of visual light spectrum combined with hyperspectral imaging to detect stresses due to pests, diseases, nutrient deficiencies, and irrigation at early stages. This way, early detection of any anomaly mitigates the impacts of crop losses.

Continuous Crop Status Updates

Metadata collected from instruments buried in the crops or other Internet-of-Things devices located in fields send crop information like moisture content, temperature, and chlorophyll constantly. The real-time data collected through such programs are analyzed by automated AI systems to identify changes and notify threats. One of the wonderful things is that farmers can sign into specific web portals that they can then use to monitor their fields at a glance.

Variable Rate Technology

Utilizing the historical data and the new data coming from the fields, AI systems develop prescription maps that define the right inputs required in certain places. Variable rate technology then uses the prescriptions to apply water, fertilizer, and pesticides at required rates, depending on the requirements of different parts of the field. Effective use of inputs has input specificity and useful input utilization as its benefits.

Yield Prediction: This involves predicting the yields of the crops that are expected to be farmed by the company/agency in question Risk Analysis

AI can forecast the yield based on the relative crop yield of each season, helping farmers prepare well in advance. The estimates are done in such a way that they factor things such as weather, type of soil, and any other factors that might affect production. AI also identifies risks from weather, pests, and diseases and makes recommendations on how to prevent such incidences. It also aids in developing strategies for storage, transportation, and even the sale of products or services.

All in all, AI enables actionable crop monitoring for early interventions, optimized crop management, and tactically minded farming strategies. Year-round measurement of variability across fields, and integration of predictive modeling into AI all contribute towards more sustainable maximum productivity. The data insights collected not only refine the present crop cycle but also plan for further seasons as agriculture embraces AI to feed the future

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